author: Bruce Springsteen
name: Aaron
average rating: 4.10
book published: 2016
rating: 0
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date added: 2017/02/05
shelves: currently-reading
from Aaron’s bookshelf: currently-reading
Husband, Dad, Web Nerd
author: Bruce Springsteen
name: Aaron
average rating: 4.10
book published: 2016
rating: 0
read at:
date added: 2017/02/05
shelves: currently-reading
from Aaron’s bookshelf: currently-reading
Many Americans would not be surprised if on Jan. 20 Vladimir Putin administers the oath of office to Donald Trump, the Ku Klux Klan youth choir regales the inaugural crowd with a stirring rendition of “Dixie,” the Chamber of Commerce orchestra performs “Hail to the … Continue reading
A Yale history professor’s powerful, 20-point guide to defending democracy under a Trump presidency
Source: A Yale history professor’s 20-point guide to defending democracy under a Trump presidency — Quartz
We may need to pay people just to live in an automated world, says space biz baron.
Source: Musk: We need universal basic income because robots will take all the jobs | Ars Technica UK