5 Ways to Learn About Note-taking from Da Vinci
Taking Note: 5 Ways We Can Learn About Note-Taking from da Vinci
This post is part of an ongoing series, “Taking Note,” which outlines the history and styles of note-taking. In this series, we explore how taking notes can improve your creativity and all the work you set out to accomplish.
from http://ift.tt/2aqZ7fS
It’s Time for Shows to Start Saying No to Season Two
When you really love something you want to hold on to it forever. Relationships; the car you had in high school; your stash of fun-size Twix. But the truth is, nothing good lasts—and if it does, the appeal fades long before the attachment does.
from Pocket http://ift.tt/2bwCrxA
Mars Rover Views Spectacular Layered Rock Formations
The layered geologic past of Mars is revealed in stunning detail in new color images returned by NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover, which is currently exploring the “Murray Buttes” region of lower Mount Sharp. The new images arguably rival photos taken in U.S. National Parks.
from Pocket http://ift.tt/2ccDnod
The Street of a Thousand Blossoms
author: Gail Tsukiyama
name: Aaron
average rating: 3.94
book published: 2007
rating: 0
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date added: 2015/11/26
shelves: to-read
from Aaron’s bookshelf: all http://ift.tt/1Id8Xzf