Hackers are building up robust systems to monitor changes to government websites. And they’re keeping track of data that’s already been removed.
Source: Diehard Coders Just Rescued NASA’s Earth Science Data | WIRED
Husband, Dad, Web Nerd
Hackers are building up robust systems to monitor changes to government websites. And they’re keeping track of data that’s already been removed.
Source: Diehard Coders Just Rescued NASA’s Earth Science Data | WIRED
By default, Drupal appends a colon to the end of field labels. If you would like to remove them and you are already using Display Suite to layout your content types, Display Suite Extras is a great option.
My Google searches resulted in countless recommendations to create a custom copy of the field.tpl.php template. Editing templates is fine, but for this use case that seems a bit heavy-handed.
Here are the steps:
Intro to Drupal 7: Theming Fields and Nodes with Templates
In a sea of not-so-great Drupal videos, this stands out. I will be referring back to it many times.
I’m trying to limit all of my customizations to the modules or settings, but once in awhile you need to edit a template.
Problem: TinyMCE rich-text editor disables the operating system spellchecker when using Firefox or Chrome.
Solution: Set the TinyMCE configuration “gecko_spellcheck” to TRUE.
tinyMCE.init({ ... gecko_spellcheck : true });
In Drupal, you can override this setting by adding an alter function to a custom module.
function MYMODULE_wysiwyg_editor_settings_alter(&$settings, $context) { if ($context['profile']->editor == 'tinymce') { $settings['gecko_spellcheck'] = TRUE; } }
Source: http://drupal.org/node/1064268
Problem: Space appears just below an image. This becomes obvious whenever you add a border.
Solution: Set the image’s display to block. The default display of an image is inline, which includes line-height.